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PVC models planned:

  • Tension Circle House
  • Versa Buoy - maybe a triangle - 3 pieces of 3.3 feet each
  • Pipe Spar
  • semisubmersible - can have square of pipes underwater and legs sticking up
  • catamaran
  • raft made by lashing pipes together - 5 pieces with 2 cross pieces underwater (120-(2*12)/5= ~19 inches for 5 pieces
  • beach ball half full of water - kind of the givens life raft design.

Idea is to use about the same amount of pipe in each model so they are sort of cost comparable and then test them all in the waves at the same time. Expect to have waterproof camera around July 10th.

I am going to assume migration makes 25 foot waves the largest we have to deal with because with a 1:25 scale model that makes for a nice round 1 foot wave.

A 75 meter pipe spar is about 250 feet, so scaled down we would use 10 feet of pipe.

If I use 2 inch pipe that is like 50 inches in the full scale version.


  • normal sched-40 fittings are heavy (elbows, Ts, etc) - try to find lighter ones
  • not clear 10 feet of pipe can make some of the designs clear 1 foot waves (or even 6 inches)
  • what to use for ballast - washers, cement, water