Incubator site

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A problem for seasteading as a nascent movement is the lack of access to places from which to build, model, and stage attempts.

Most commercial ship yard are not interested until the concept is proven. Most private land is inaccessible. Public lands have restrictions on private use.

Once concept for an incubator site is described here.

Potential requirements for a Seastead Incubator/Seastead Base (SSB):

Access to water of minimum depth

Launching facility and equipment (cranes, gantries, mobile lifts, ramps, lock-and-dam dry docks etc.)

Access to the ocean (clear of bridges and obstructions)

Access to materials/delivery

Access to utilities (water, electricity, telecommunications)

Adequate space for ship-building type activities

Appropriate zoning for seastead-building activities

Secure storage for tools and materials

Potential Differentiators for Seastead Incubator

Shared machine shop/tools rental availability

Particularly beneficial locations for particular projects

Shared library of design/engineering resources

For-hire marine services

On-site living accommodations

Recycled/re-used/reclaimed marine materials/gear/equipment from a scrap/wrecking yard or retail marine exchange shop