The first annual seasteading conference will be Friday, October 10th, at the Embassy Suites in Burlingame, CA. If you are interested in attending, please add your name and/or email address here. (If you have a account, you can just put {{U|your_username}})
This is not a "sit around and listen to a few presenters" sort of conference. Instead, we're going to have a bunch of small workshops where groups brainstorm about solutions to some of the challenges we face, research those solutions, and come up w/ recommendations. If there is a particular area that you'd like to lead a workshop / session on, please note it. Also feel free to add workshop topics.
There is also a page for conference organizers: FirstAnnualConferencePlanning
- Patri - General overview of seasteading / plans / progress / challenges. Business plan for seastead resort.
Workshop Topics
- Location: Where should the first seastead be located (or what's its migration path)?
- Transportation: How to get to/from (helicopters are slow, but planes are hard to land. boats are slow. What are our best options?)
- Business plan for seastead resort
- Marketing/PR: how to make our ideas sticky
- Transitions: How to provide an incremental path for people to transition from land to seastead life?
- Government/Organization: What are good forms of seastead government for individual seasteads? How to organize multiple seasteads?
- Ephemerisle: Make it happen in 2009!