Based on the criteria in [ConceptualDesignProposal2009], here are our specific design categories and ideas.
Specific Design Proposals
TODO: Add short descriptions of each.
- Ships - Likely modified to reduce wave motions due to our desire to prioritize comfort over mobility and operate in a slow-moving or anchored state. Could start with a cargo ship, cruise ship, or flotel.
- Semi-submersible
- Spar Platforms
- Large - Oil platform
- Small - FLIP, single column seastead
- Multi-hull / Generalized catamaran - stability through large aggregate footprint of connected modules. Examples: minifloat, WaterWalker, flexible connections [detailled description coming soon].
- Breakwater
(Note: linear breakdown is not possible; some concepts are best regarded as hybrids of some design principles. Working on a better classification system)
Which Designs To Explore In Detail
TSI believes we should next explore Multi-hulls & Ships. Breakwaters might be ideal in the future, but are lacking in incrementalism. Clubstead-type designs have been explored, but have been found not to scale down very well either.
Ships are the path of least resistance, and most likely to become reality in the near future. Multi-hulls look promising w.r.t. their ability to scale down. Combined with their shallow draft (in contrast with spars), they are deemed to be the most incremental option.