If you wish to share a specific implementation of a seastead component, or perhaps an entire platform, create the page under your username, then link to it from here from the appropriate category.
For example, if you have a plan for a complete hybrid power system, create a page called "User:MyUsername/10_Kilowatt_Integrated_Power_System"
User design pages should be left to the original creator. Only make changes for things like spelling/math, and only if you're sure you're right.
Otherwise, criticize or comment on the proposal in the articles talk page.
Example layout
- Overview - Describe the system you've designed.
- Conditional Requirements - e.g. "This power system requires the platform to be very stable."
- Costs - Breakdown of cost estimates and a total if possible.
- Material Availability - Where to get the items necessary for the system.
- User:Joep/PillarStead A trade-off between a boat and a spar, trying to get benefits from both designs.
- User:Heath/Small_Independent_Spar_Platform
Power Systems
- User:Heath/Power for 25 People A fake proposal, meant as an example.